Introduction to Headlines

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at August 6th, 2024

What are Headlines?

Headlines are pieces of information to be shared with the whole team, or multiple teams, that don't necessarily warrant a discussion. 

For example, if your company's HR team is changing a process, they could announce this as a headline. Some teams may just read the headline, and check it off.  If your team wants to discuss the headline and its implications to your team, you can always make it an issue


Learn how to get started with Headlines from the video below.


How Headlines Support the Company

Headlines support your organization by giving you a quick way to make an announcement to multiple teams, or cascade them to the entire company. Since headlines are checked off once discussed in a meeting, it also provides a layer of accountability that the message was received and read. 

Don't Forget to Cascade All-Staff Headlines

When we right-click on the Headline and select 'Cascade,' a dialog box will open that allows us to enter more detail (always a good idea, everybody loves context!). Below that is the option to select whether you want all teams to receive the cascaded Headline or if you only want specific teams to receive it.

From, Headlines in Ninety.



Helpful Resources

To learn more about our teachings around To-Dos, check out the following: