Completing a Fit Check

Complete a Core Values and CCC Check on any people you have added to the Directory and on the Org Chart.

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at October 3rd, 2024

Where Is the Fit Check?

To access the Fit Check page:

  1. Click 1-on-1 from the left navigation.
  2. Click the Fit Check tab.
  3. Click the Person dropdown to choose a team member.
  4. Click the user's row to view their completed Fit Checks.
  5. Click New Review to complete a new Fit Check for the team member selected.


User Role Permissions

Read this article to see permissions for each user role. Here's a brief summary of permissions for Fit Checks:

  • Owner: Can view all completed Fit Checks. Can complete a Fit Check for any team member.
  • Admin: Can view all completed Fit Checks. Can complete a Fit Check for any team member.
  • Coach: Can view all completed Fit Checks. Cannot complete any Fit Checks. 
  • Manager: Can view all completed Fit Checks for users on their team(s). Can complete a Fit Check for any team member.
  • Team Member: Can view all of their own completed Fit Checks. Cannot complete Fit Checks.
  • Observer: Cannot view nor complete Fit Checks.


What Is a Fit Check?

The Fit Check is Ninety's version of the People Analyzer. This feature allows you to conduct a one-way review on anyone in your Directory who is assigned an Org Chart seat. Use this to do a quick Core Values and Competency, Commitment, and Capacity (CCC) check. This is a one-way review and is not meant to replace your Quarterly Discussion.

On the Fit Check page, you see a list of all users in your Directory. Click New Review on a team member's row to complete a new Fit Check.


If a New Review button is gray, they are not assigned to a Seat on the Org Chart.



Completing the Fit Check

Select +, +/-, or - for each Core Value, which are pulled from your company's Vision page. Then select Yes or No for Competency, Commitment, and Capacity. Finally, click Save.

Viewing Completed Fit Checks

Click on a user's row or select a user from the Person dropdown and then click on their row to view all their completed Fit Checks.