Meetings Analytics

Active reporting and insights from your team's meetings on Ninety.

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at March 24th, 2025

Meetings Insights Page

Our Meetings page in the Insights tool helps you analyze your teams' meeting performances based on their meeting ratings.

Hover your cursor over any point on one of the first four cards to view that selected reporting period's data on the other three cards as well.

Use the team, date range, and calendar filters to locate the data you want to analyze.

Team Filter

The options shown in the Team filter depends on your user role:

  • Owners and Coaches can see any team in the organization.
  • Admins can see every non-private team in the organization.
  • Managers and Team Members can see every team they're in (according to the Directory tool).

The “All” option shows all the teams the user has access to view. To view a specific team's data, click the Team dropdown and select one of your teams. Only one team can be selected at a time (excluding the “All” option).


Date Range Filter

The options shown in the date range filter include:

  • YTD (year to date)
  • Current Quarter
  • Previous Quarter
  • Last 5 Quarters
  • Custom (requires you to select a start and end date in the calendar filter)


Meetings Rating Chart


The Meetings: Ratings Chart displays the average score of your meetings based on user-reported ratings from our Meetings tool. Hover over any reporting period to see the following:

  • The reported date range
  • Average score
  • Highest score
  • Lowest score
  • Average attendance


Ratings Chart Drill-In


Click the expanding arrows icon at the top right of the card to open a drill-in table showing the data shown. The table displays the following:

  • Date of the meeting
  • Agenda title
  • Average rating score and the range used
  • Average attendance
  • Duration of the meeting (and a time differential of the expected length)
  • Team holding the meeting
  • The user who presented (facilitated) the meeting


Short-Term Issues: Solve Rate Chart


The Short-Term Issues: Solve Rate Chart displays the total number of Issues solved by the selected teams over the given date range as well as the average. Hover over any of the bars to view the following:

  • Time period (week of, quarter, etc.)
  • Average solve rate per mating
  • Number of Issues solved and the total number of Issues on the list at that time
  • Number of meetings held


Short-Term Issues: Solve Rate Chart Drill-In

Click the expanding arrows icon at the top right of the card to open a drill-in table of the data shown. The table displays the following:

  • Date of the meeting
  • Agenda name
  • Solve rate (percentage)
  • Team
  • Meeting facilitator


To-Dos: Created Chart


The To-Dos: Created Chart displays the number of To-Dos created during meetings over the date range selected. Hover over any reporting period to see the following:

  • Time period
  • Number of To-Dos created


To-Dos: Created Drill-In

Click the expanding arrows icon at the top right of the card to open a drill-in table of the data shown. The table displays the following:

  • Date of the meeting
  • Meeting agenda used
  • Number of To-Dos created
  • Team
  • Meeting facilitator


Meetings: Average Time in Issues Chart


The Meetings: Average time in Issues chart displays the number of minutes the team(s) spent in the Issues section of their meeting over the selected date range. Hover over any of the bars to view the following:

  • Time period
  • Average time spent


Meetings: Average Time in Issues Drill-In

Click the expanding arrows icon at the top right of the card to open a drill-in table of the data shown. The table displays the following:

  • Date of the meeting
  • Meeting Agenda used
  • Issues segment duration (time spent solving Issues)
  • Solve rate
  • Team
  • Facilitator


Short-Term Issues: Resolution by Priority Chart


The Short-Term Issues: Resolution by Priority Chart displays the number of Issues resolved during the selected date range and divides the Issues according to their assigned priority ranking. Hover over any of the graph's segments to view the following:

  • Priority number 
  • Percentage and number of the Issues solved of that priority number


Short-Term Issues: Resolution by Priority Drill-In

Click the expanding arrows icon at the top right of the card to open a drill-in table of the data shown. The table displays the following:

  • Date of the meeting
  • Meeting Agenda used
  • Issues solve rate
  • Priority of each Issue solved
  • Team
  • Meeting facilitator