To-Dos Analytics
Analyze real time analytics on your team's To-Dos and action items.
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Table of Contents
To-Dos Insights Page
Our To-Dos page in the Insights tool helps you see how effectively your team(s) capture and complete To-Dos.

Use the team, date range, and calendar filters to locate the data you want to analyze.
Team Filter
The options shown in the Team filter depends on your user role:
- Owners and Coaches can see any team in the organization.
- Admins can see every non-private team in the organization.
- Managers and Team Members can see every team they're in (according to the Directory tool).
The “All” option shows all the teams the user has access to view. To view a specific team's data, click the Team dropdown and select one of your teams. Only one team can be selected at a time (excluding the “All” option).
The Owner dropdown defaults to the All option. You can also select a single user to view the number of their assigned To-Dos over the date range.
Date Range Filter
The options shown in the date range filter include:
- YTD (year to date)
- Current Quarter
- Previous Quarter
- Last 5 Quarters
- Custom (requires you to select a start and end date in the calendar filter)
Overview Chart

The Overview Chart displays the total number of To-Dos created for your team(s). Each segment of the chart represents the To-Dos' status:
- In Progress
- Overdue
- Due Today
- Completed
Hover over one of the segments to view the number of To-Dos the section represents.
Overview Drill-In
Click the expanding arrows icon at the top right of the card to open a drill-in table showing the data shown. The table displays the following:
- Date created
- Title
- Current status
- Due date
- Team
- Owner
Revised Due Dates Chart

The Revised Due Dates Chart displays the number of revisions to the due dates of the filtered To-Dos that occurred after they were assigned: 0, 1-5, or more than 5.
To-Dos are agreements. If team members regularly revise due dates, you may need to raise an Issue to discover why.
Revised Due Dates Drill-In
Click the expanding arrows icon at the top right of the card to open a drill-in table showing the data shown. The table displays the following:
- Date created
- Title
- Number of revisions
- Current status
- Due date
- Team
- Owner