Sending and Receiving Issues Between Teams

Learn to send Issues to other teams while maintaining visibility and how you can receive Issues from other teams.

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at March 19th, 2025

Every team in Ninety can raise Issues but not every team is equipped to discuss and solve their Issues. Your team's Issues lists are located in our Issues tool. When another team sends an Issue to your team, it will appear on a separate list above yours. When you send an Issue to another team, a new “Sent to Other Teams” Issues list appears below your Issues list.

Any licensed user can send a short-term or long-term Issue from their team's list to another team's list.


Sending an Issue to Another Team

To send an Issue to another team:

  1. Click an Issue to open its details panel.
  2. Click the paper airplane icon by the originating team's name.
  3. Choose a new team from the options shown.


The team that sent the Issue can still create linked To-Dos and update the Issue's description, but they cannot solve, archive, or delete it until it is sent back from the receiving team. 

The receiving team has complete control over the Issue's status until it is sent back to the originating team.


Receiving an Issue from Another Team

Issues received from another team are shown on their own card above your team's Issues list.

When the team who received the Issue has finished discussing and resolving the Issue, they should click the paper airplane icon to return it to your team with any notes added to the description or as a comment. You'll also be able to see if they created any linked items in the Issues details panel. The comments section automatically documents the trading log of the Issue.