Roles vs. Responsibilities

The difference between Roles and Responsibilities on the Org Chart.

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at March 22nd, 2024

The Org Chart

On the Org Chart, each seat has Roles and Responsibilities that can be tied to KPIs. What is the difference between a Role and a Responsibility? A Role defines your position, and a Responsibility defines its functions. 

Depending on your BOS, the Org Chart may also be called the The Accountability Chart™.


Roles are the functions of a Seat. This encompasses a larger vision of how an individual is contributing to the team as a whole.


Responsibilities are the specific activities or obligations that individuals are held accountable for according to their Roles. 


Roles and Responsibilities usually occur in pairs. KPIs are usually tied to Responsibilities, but there are exceptions. Below are a couple of examples to get you thinking about your Seat.

  • Visionary
    Role: Research and development.
    Responsibility: Creative roadmap for one product a month.
  • Head of Sales
    Role: Turn qualified leads into customers.
    Responsibility: Develop, refine, and perfect sales strategy.
  • Head of Operations
    Role: Deliver the final product on time and within requirements.
    Responsibility: Smooth barriers and maintain a strong communication strategy.