Creating Rocks
Rocks are 90-day projects that push your company towards achieving its goals.
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Table of Contents
Overview and Types of Rocks
Creating Rocks in Ninety allows you to keep track of larger projects that need to be completed by you or your team. There are three types of Rocks: Departmental, Team, and Professional Development. To learn more about Rocks, see our Introduction to Rocks Article.
- Departmental - directly affects multiple teams
- Individual/Team - helps your team align with your companies overall goals
- Professional Development - helps you grow in your role and as an individual
Creating a Rock
No matter what tool you're using in Ninety, the Create button is in the upper right-hand corner, making it easy to create new items.
- Click Create in the upper right-hand corner.
- Select Rock from the dropdown list at the top of the Create window.
- Click the profile picture icon to assign the item.
- Input details:
- name - project name
- due date - end of the quarter
- description - use this space to enter potential milestones
- Status - during creation leave it as “on-track”
- team - all teams you're on
- Toggle on or off for Departmental Rock
- Add any relevant or helpful attachments
- Click Create Rock.
Adding Milestones to a Rock
Once you've created your rock, access the Rocks dashboard to input Milestones and track progress.
- Select Rocks from the main left navigation
- Ensure the Team at the top is correct
- Find your name
- Select the Rock, this takes you to the Edit Rock pane.
- Select the + next to Milestones to create your first milestone.
- Title - Give a name to this phase of your project
- Due Date - since rocks are for 90 days, a good use case is to have 3 milestones, each about 30 days apart.
- Description - Describe what this phase of the project is
- Click Add
Editing or Deleting a Rock
Editing a Rock works the same as before; click the Rock, and the window opens with the details that can be updated.
It is not recommended to delete a Rock
If a Rock gets off-track or does not get completed, it is recommended to discuss the reasons in your teams Quarterly Meeting. The data of not completing a rock is just as important as the data for a completed rock.