Creating Smart KPIs

How to create formulas to perform calculations using your existing Scorecard's KPIs.

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at May 14th, 2024

Using Smart KPIs for Added Functionality

Smart KPIs transform existing KPIs into variables that can be used to create formulas. They give you the power to automatically perform calculations on your Scorecard as you enter data.

Smart KPIs can use the following basic mathematical operators, including order of operations formulas with parentheses:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division

To create a new smart KPI or adapt an existing KPI, click the Smart KPI toggle on the KPI's details card.


Smart KPI Features

Click through the tabs below to learn about Smart KPI features.

Adding KPIs as Variables

The core of Smart KPIs is the ability to utilize your KPIs as variables. 

Example: You are already capturing “Sales” and “Cost of Goods Sold” on your Scorecard and want to generate “Gross Profit” automatically. The following directions follow this example.

  1. Click Data from the left navigation.
  2. Click the plus sign next to the time interval listed (Weekly, for example).
  3. Click Create and Add a New KPI.
  4. Name the KPI “Gross Profit.”
  5. Toggle on Smart KPI.
  6. Click Add KPI.
  7. Search for and click your existing “Sales” KPI.
  8. Select the subtract operator.
  9. Click Add KPI.
  10. Search for and click your “Cost of Goods Sold” KPI.
  11. Create a Goal (a specific number, range, etc.).
  12. Optional: Assign the KPI's Owner.
  13. Click Save.

Adding Constant Variables

Constants allow you to treat numbers the same for each calculation.

Example: You want to calculate a “daily average” by dividing your Weekly KPI by seven.

  1. Click Data from the left navigation.
  2. Click the plus sign next to the time interval listed (Weekly, for example).
  3. Click Create and Add a New KPI.
  4. Name the KPI “Daily Average.”
  5. Toggle on Smart KPI.
  6. Click Add KPI.
  7. Search for and click your existing “Weekly Sales” Measurable.
  8. Click the division operator.
  9. Click Add Number.
  10. Enter the number seven (7) and click the checkmark.
  11. Create a Goal.
  12. Optional: Assign the KPI's Owner.
  13. Click Save.

Clearing Formulas

There are two options for deleting aspects of your Smart KPI formula.

  • Click the Backspace button in the window to remove one element at a time, starting from the end of the formula.
  • Click the X (Clear All) button to empty the formula field.