Private To-Dos

Create personal To-Dos to track tasks that aren't attached to any team.

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at March 26th, 2025

A private To-Do is a task to complete that doesn't correspond to any of your teams. The team doesn't need to track its progress or discuss it in meetings. These can be things for day-to-day work or reminders for personal tasks. 

Private To-Dos appear on both your My 90 workspace and the To-Dos page.


Creating a Private To-Do

Whenever you create a To-Do, you can choose to make it a Private To-Do instead by clicking the Private toggle on. Add a task to your Private To-Do using:

  • The Create button
  • The private To-Dos widget from the My 90 workspace
  • The private To-Dos page in the To-Dos tool
  • Linked items by creating a private To-Do from an existing item

To move a private To-Do to a team's To-Dos list, click the Private toggle off and select a team from the dropdown.


Create Button

To create a private To-Do using the Create button:

  1. Click Create in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select To-Do from the dropdown list at the top of the Create window.
  3. Click the profile icon to assign the item to one or more team members.
  4. Input details: name, due date, description, and team.
  5. Choose a repeating cadence.
  6. Click the Make this To-Do private toggle.
  7. Click Create To-Do.

My 90 Private To-Do Widget

Use My 90 workspaceto view your complete Ninety To-Do list. The Private To-Dos card/widget displays every To-Do you've marked or created as private.

To create a private To-Do from the My 90 Private To-Dos widget:

  1. Click My 90 from the left navigation.
  2. Click + Add To-Do at the bottom of the Priave To-Dos card/widget.
  3. Input details: name, due date, description, and team.
  4. Choose a repeating cadence.
  5. Click Create To-Do.

Private To-Dos Page

The To-Dos toolincludes pages for team To-Dos and private To-Dos. 

To create a priave To-Do from the To-Dos tool:

  1. Click To-Dos from the left navigation.
  2. Click the Private tab.
  3. Click + Add To-Do on the bottom left of your team's To-Dos list.
  4. Press the enter key or click the checkmark after titling the To-Do

Click any To-Do to open its details panel to add or revise additional information.


Linked Items

You can create a linked item from any existing item in Ninety.

To create a private To-Do linked to an existing item from a tool page or during a meeting:

  1. Right-click the item (or click the ellipsis at the far end of its row).
  2. Click Create Linked To-Do from the dropdown.
  3. Edit details as desired from the popup.
  4. Click the Create Linked To-Do button.


Viewing Completed Private To-Dos

Private To-Dos cannot be archived. To view your completed private To-Dos, click the Completed toggle on the To-Dos tool's filters bar or at the top of the Private To-Dos widget in My 90.