Edit Org Chart Seats

How managers can add roles or duties to Seats in the Org Chart; sometimes known as The Accountability Chart™.

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at April 9th, 2024

Customize the Seats on Each Level

Configuring our software to meet any organization's needs is one of our highest priorities. Follow these steps to add control to the Org Chart.

Click the edit icon (pencil) to,

  • Change the Seat Name (a position's title)
  • Drag and drop Roles & Responsibilities (R&R) into a different order using the drag handle to the left of each R&R
  • Add additional R&Rs
  • Add Attachments using the plus sign icon

Click Save to save all changes to that Seat. Click Cancel to undo all changes.

Deleting a Seat

Clicking the more actions icon (ellipsis) on the upper right of a Seat opens up a dropdown list of more actions, including Make It an Issue, Create a To-Do, Clone Seat, and Delete Seat.